Rules of conduct and safety on board


Air transport, as well as any other means of transport, requires special attention not only from employees, but also from the passengers using it. These rules apply to absolutely all passengers regardless of the cost of a ticket purchased and class.


Special care on board

On the aircraft everything being told You is important. You cannot ignore the messages of flight attendants. In addition, to immediately fulfil all their requests is mandatory for all passengers. Neglect and failure to comply with the safety rules can lead to injury, and in the worst case – cost of living.

Special care on board concerns all that is happening there: if You use electric appliances such as computers, photo, video camera, tape recorder or telephone, You should do that only when You are notified by flight attendants. The use of them during the plane manoeuvre is forbidden to prevent failures in the navigation. During the flight the safety of all passengers depends on the behaviour of everyone!

Particular attention should be paid to children. The plane is not a place for individual children’s games. Even flying unaccompanied a child is always under the supervision of a flight attendant.

Safety belts

Safety belts are recommended not to unfasten unless necessary. Their main function is to provide security during shake-ups and turbulence. Since it is not always possible to determine the turbulence zone in advance, it is desirable to be always fastened. For the same reason it is not advised to often get up and walk around the cabin during the flight.

If the belts are much in the way, they are allowed to unfasten. However, You should fasten them back immediately after the signal «Fasten your safety belts».

Cabin luggage

For flight convenience we recommend to take responsibility for packing of cabin luggage You plan to take on board. Although during the registration the weight is checked, pay attention also to the requirements for size. Extra centimetres in size can cause problems on board, because all places for cabin luggage are of a certain size.

Smoking and alcohol on board

In the airplane it is banned smoking and drinking of the alcoholic beverages brought with You. It is possible to order a drink on board of the airplane, but it is not recommended to drink them to excess.

The violations of rules on board may lead to various sanctions from airplane personnel, beginning from a warning to emergency land and remove the ill-mannered passenger from the flight. It is also possible the imposition of fine in the amount of up to USD 3,000 or imprisonment up to 2 years. You should not forget that the passenger removed from the flight for the violation goes to the jurisdiction of the legal order services of the country where the airplane landed.

In case of improper behaviour on board the airline company also has the right to refuse to carry in the future.

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