Baghdad, capital of Iraq. It is the largest city in Iraq. It is the second largest city in the entire South-West Asia. One of the largest centers of education and culture in the Islamic world, Baghdad has a long and colorful history. It was built in about IIX century. Tigris River flows right through the city, dividing it into two parts: the eastern part of the city called Risafa while the western part of the city is called Karkh.
Kind of tourist attraction is the so-called Green Zone, within which once housed all the palaces of the dictator. These days it is carefully guarded diplomatic and government area of closed quarters in the heart of the capital. Visit almost impossible, but it has no analogues in the world.
There are no direct flights to Baghdad from Ukraine at the moment. All flights are carried out through a transit points – Istanbul, Vienna, Dubai.
International name
Baghdad International Airport
IATA code
55103, Baghdad, Iraq
+9647905319779, +9647711343263, + 9645430689
Distance to Baghdad
16 km
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