Payment through Privat24

At payment by the personal, salary, social, pension card which is registered in Privat24 from a virtual, current account, the cost of making payments at payment of the air ticket makes only 50 kopeks.

Only for cards of Privatbank

To register with Privat24 only need to visit the site, fill in a few fields: VAT number, mobile phone number, password, card number, CVV2 code and you already have a user Privat24 that will save you in the implementation of many types of payments.

Details of the Agency Airlife: LLC «Air Life Logistic»

Bank details:
р/с 26005060585756 PJSC CB «PrivatBank»
MFO 320649
OKPO code 34874970
INN 348749726535
The certificate number: 100022653

Glossary of Privat:

Virtual account – card designed for online payments. Its peculiarity is that it is enabled by default to pay online.

Current account (score on demand) — an account used by a bank or other institution for a calculated taking into account the monetary transactions of clients. The current state of a current account, as a rule, corresponds to the sum of money belonging to the client.

Personal card — card, which opens at the initiative of the customer for personal use.

Salary card — card, which you can obtain salary offer based on the salary of the contract of the bank now.

Socio card – card, which is used for the payment of unemployment benefits, receipt of various social benefits.

Pension card — card, by which retirees can receive their pensions through PrivatBank anywhere in the Ukraine, on the balance on the card is charged 10 % per annum.

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